Stock Footage Websites  

Stock footage websites are used day in, day out by video editors and video production companies not to just download video content for editing but also to seek video inspiration for a video. Also, more and more stock footage websites are used by business and marketing companies to access royalty free footage, motion graphics and video backgrounds to help create cheaper branded video ads due to the popularity of video on sites like YouTube. Like most business segments, different stock footage websites offer a wide choice of business models and video purchasing options as to suit any video production capacity.

A footage video buyer can download a stock footage clip from $5 to $500 sometimes with the exact same footage clip on multiple stock footage websites all at different price points. While a stock footage clip costing $90 may be OK for infrequent video production needs, at the serious end of video production a video editor may be download ten or twenty stock videos a month, hence the growth in the microstock pricing stock footage websites.

If we look at the microstock pricing end of the stock footage market, the good news is that royalty free stock footage is very affordable to anyone producing video content and we have examples of quality high definition stock footage available to download for less than $5. Now anyone can creatively use royalty free stock footage video or video backgrounds in advertisements, video, television, commercials and other multimedia productions. Stock Footage websites like Pond5, Dissolve, iStockvideo and Anistock, offer stock video, animations, video backgrounds and motion graphics, all in the high definition video format to download. A point to note is that some stock footage sites will charge more for the higher resolution video downloads.

Video production and video marketing is now a mainstream marketing task at every business who knows that video is as powerful tool as social media in promoting a product or service. The ability to create video ads for promotion is now as valuable resource as a copywriter or social media marketer. Video editors and video production companies across the globe use Stock Footage websites for royalty free video content in the making of a marketing video or video promotion as royalty free footage speeds up and reduces the cost of getting the video published.

The use of video to attract new customers, re-engage existing customers and boost online SEO marketing is on the rise as video watching numbers rocket not to mention the increased use of mobile channel where video is a condensed version of pages of text. Video is also more likely to be shared around the internet to create that viral effect. The value proposition of producing a video using royalty free stock footage video or video backgrounds means the video gets produced easier and with a whole lot less expense. Royalty free stock footage websites offer choice of video content covering themes like business, people, nature, weather, motion graphics and animation. Try to mix up the stock footage sites to visit into the different business models they operate from high end to low cost. Whichever stock footage websites you favour, they are an invaluable resource for any video producer or editor looking to produce high quality video content on a limited budget.


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Education Stock Footage

Stock footage video can be used as a multimedia education aid and creative tool in schools. Students and designers can access a library of stock footage royalty free video clips with educational themes and concepts for less than $1.... Continue →